
Here we will discover several curiosities about the most famous actors such as which is the one that has played more movies, or the one that has generated more box office with his/her movies.

Firstly, we will show you the actors ordered by number of movies. Robert de Niro and Samuel L. Jackson share the first place with… ¡54 movies!


Now, the actors that have generated more box office. Samuel L. Jackson with his 54 movies takes the first place again with almost 12.000 millions of dollars generated in his movies:


But which of them are the most profitable? That is, which of them generate more box office per movie on average? The answer is Anthony Daniels followed by Warwick Davis: the two actors that interpreted the two famous robots of Star Wars! If that’s not enough the final place on the podium is for Rupert Grint, who interpreted Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter saga. It makes sense since these actors have made a small number of movies and all of them were very succesfull.

Here it is the completed list of the top 20 actors by average box office per movie (only the ones with more than 5 movies are considered in this list).
